Let's cut to the chase. I love the bands of Southeastern Pennsylvania. I understand that it's not the only scene in the United States. This blog aims to cover some of the stuff happening in SEPA and elsewhere, stuff that rarely leaves the basement and stuff that deserves to be written about seriously. I'm tired of my friends' bands just being considered "my friend's band." So, this site exists so that these bands can get a write up. There may be some conflicts of interest in that a lot of these bands are my friends, but to quell any concerns: a majority of the time, if I know a band personally, it's from their music FIRST, hanging out SECOND. And when I write about them, I'm writing objectively.
I would love for you to contact me with any overshare-y writing you have about your favorite basement shows and the bands that played them. Shoot me an email: josephagallagher AT temple DOT edu.
Thanks for checking this out!